Wednesday, September 28, 2011

the bad feeling about pmr

hye my followers.especially for whose in a same age with me.i dont how to get ready for it...can u help me?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????..


today i met someone that in my blog...emotional....she make a ant to be a mount..hahahahaha...i dont know why and why she may felt the feeling like that.the story is her best fwend whre she very love and care make something that make she in rage.the thing is the prey only write something about her and i dont know in the blog said she have be fucked with the prey.maybe that a big factor that makde she angry.that is a foolish the case the prey is stupid because he only done a foolish thing.......and some more i have to laugh.ahahahahahahahahahahah...............................the funniest thing...i think the prey must be  building the castle on the air at the emotional gurl.........................if  u had been like that what did u do....the conclusion is the prey is stupid.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

                                         mr anonnymous